
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Party Like a Rockstar!

Today was Taylor's 7th Birthday! And we definitely partied like ROCKSTARS.

Here are the steps to creating a rockstar party.
1. Rockstar hair.
2. Rockstar makeup.
3. Head microphone.
4. Arm Socks
(Yes Megan, "arm socks":)

5. Glitter.
6. Hannah Montana Songs.
7. Silly 7 & 8 year-olds

We had a great time, and Taylor said it was the "best day of her life."
What's better than hearing that? .....Seeing her face as she opened her hot pink IPOD shuffle from her Grama.

Happy Birthday TAY TAY!

1 comment:

Lindsey Ricks Benedict said...

Super cute!!! I remember wanting to be a punk rocker for Halloween every single year. ;)

How is the moving going? Are you already in to your new place?

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