our baby boy has arrived safe and sound. here's how he got here:
i went in to be induced around 6:00 am and they hooked up the smallest dose of pitocin at 7:00am. I decided to go along with the rest of the birth plan and try for a natural birth. Things were going fine, my doula and Chad were there and we decided to play a game of Ticket to Ride. Right after the game was over (I won!) I started feeling the contractions more and more and then they started to get down right crazy painful. I told them that I couldn't do it any more, that it was too hard, and I had to have something for the pain. The nurse checked me to see how far I had progressed and I was already dilated to an 8.5 which meant it was too late for any kind of pain relief. I was able to focus a little better knowing that this is just what I had to do, and within the hour the doctor arrived, he broke my water and I was pushing. It took about 4 pushes (a long with the most intense pain i have ever felt in my life,) and our little bundle of joy was here.
He weighed 8 pounds 7 ounces - 21 inches long and has a beautiful head of hair. we love him so much and are grateful he is so healthy. life is good.
As for now... his name is Levi Allyn Slade. That is what it says on the birth confirmation, but Chad still isn't sure he likes it, so for now I still call him baby...

Oh my gosh, he is so cute! I have been checking in everyday waiting for the great news! Congrats.... what an accomplishment....no epidural agh......... better you than me :)
What a sweetie! So glad everything went well.
How BEAUTIFUL he is! I loved the post, you're a MAJOR trooper...
We are so thrilled he has finally arrived! I wish so bad I was there...you will have to give him big hugs and kisses from us all!
We are so thrilled he has arrived! I so wish I was there! Give him big hugs and kisses from the Dixon clan...
Wow!you did it! I was wondering if you would decide to take the drugs. That is awesome! He is so cute! I love the hair! He looks like Jackson, I think :)
I've been waiting for this post! He is beautiful and I'm so glad he's here safe and healthy! You go girl...with the no meds!
Congratulations Slade family. He is adorable!
Congratulations! What a miracle and a blessing a new baby is. And I have also had a baby "naturally" while being induced and it is PAINFUL!! HELLO!! It gives new meaning to "ring of fire" don't you think? Anyway, congrats and great job. You are a champ. JJ
See, I bet at this point when you get all this praise about natural childbirth, your feeling pretty good about your decision. you will forever be thought of as one girl who did it au natural. Aint ever gonna be said about me though!!! he is a gem!!
Yeah! I've been checking everyday for the big announcement and you didn't disappoint! What a beautiful little man - wow, you sure know how to make 'em. What to go natural! I am a fan myself and didn't regret giving the natural way a try. I don't expect I'll be able to do it this time, but at least I did it once!
Take care and can't wait to hear more!
Congratulations Jennie - such a cute baby! We're so happy for your family.
Congratulations, he's beautiful!
Great job! Such a cutie! I completely understand about the desire for pain meds in the end:) Fortunately he came quickly after that.
Great photos and layouts! You are a pro!
We are so happy for you guys! You are an awesome warrior mama. So, what time was he born?
Hey amy! He was born at 2:55 pm.
Jennie! So cute! An adorable Slade. Glad to hear everything went well. Congratulations!
What a GORGEOUS little baby! So happy for you!
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