After we got home, we I had one day to pack up and bring the kids to Del Mar, California where my sweet parents hosted our vacation. (Chad stayed home to work) The kids, as always loved the beach and Grama Linda's good cooking. Aunt Lisa and E.J. came too and we all had a blast. One night we headed to the Padres game where I realized a buddy from high school had recently signed with San Diego. We saw him hit a home run, from great seats (thanks to my sweet-talking security guard skillz) I don't think Aunt Lisa will ever forget my driving abilities as we navigated down-town San Diego and were driving on train tracks that probably weren't meant to be driven on. ... If you know me, that's a typical "Jennie move." Me and all the kids hopped on one of those bike taxis where we rocked out to "Apple Bottom Jeans" on our way to the baseball park, it was awesome.

The next two weeks we spent in Laguna with some fabulous friends. We beached it, played, had lots of Gelato Paradiso, and Shake Shack, watched movies, and enjoyed the great weather. I photographed a wedding in San Diego where I met some great people right in the middle of the trip too. We headed to the Sawdust festival one day and enjoyed all the art exhibits.... super cool, and we took the kids to the "Pretend City" (a children's museum) in Irvine one day which has become their new favorite place. I was proud of myself for not getting to lost with out Chad around (thank you navigation!) After all of that spoiling with that dreamy weather and lounging, it's been an adjustment to get back to normal life, and school, and activities, but I'm just about there. Until next year Beaches!!

fabulous trip! I want to be your kid :)
happy belated birthday! while amy and i were in taiwan, i learned we were birthday buddies. hope your day was fabulous.
ok... stupid question. how do get your pictures in a grid?? do you do it in photoshop and bring it in as an image?? or do you do it through blogspot?? I hate uploading on blogspot... takes forever. any tips??
You are so talented! I love peaking at your blog. You are a wonder woman mom!!
Hey Allison!! Yep I do it in Photoshop or in lightroom and then bring it in as a jpeg. I usually save it as 72 ppi, its alot smaller than 300 and works fine for the web. Hope that helps!! THanks!
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