"I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck." ~Emma Goldman
I have a thing for fresh flowers. When I go to Costco, that flower section calls my name, and I can't leave without buying some for my kitchen. I don't care if they only last a few days; for me, the joy it gives me is worth every penny. When I am a gazzlionaire, the first thing I will do is have fresh flowers put in my house every week...
My favorites as of recently are these red sunflowers. Kate loves that they turn the water pink and I love how vibrant they are and that they have lasted for over a week.

Flowers... are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities of the world. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1844
Jennie - I am SO WITH YOU on the flower thing. I know a lot of people, even women, who think of fresh flowers as a total waste - I just don't get them. I mean - they are total mood lifters! In fact, I once read an article that Harvard was conducting a study on "vitamin F." "F" obviously, for flowers. They determined that people who indulged in fresh flowers had less tendencies toward depression. Mmmm Hmmm.... so there's our justification for the extra bucks... it's for our health!!!
hey jennie- quick question... i am looking to get some furniture reupholstered and was wondering if you recommend anyone.. perferrably cheap :). (i have noticed your furniture looks reupholstered).. thank you. andrea
Hey andrea! I love getting things reupholstered, and the guy I use is a man named Glen. He is fantastic. Here is is number, (702) 491-1378 , just tell him I sent you!:)
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