Things I Love about Levi on his 2nd Birthday:
1. He puckers up for kisses when it's bedtime.
2. He will give everyone and anyone "knuckles" on the spot.
3. He eats blueberries like a madman and sings an awesome "bwoobewwy song"
4. He is pretty much the only 2 year old professional baseball player in the world.
5. He LOVES his brother and sisters: Tay Tay, Gack Gack, & Sissy
6. He has a really abnormally big head.
7. He loves to watch sports with his Dad.
8. Levi CANNOT sleep without his blanky that Grama Linda made him. He calls it a "Ga Gung"
9. Levi says "Juice" with a chubacca voice. It is really crazy and I can't type how it sounds.
10. His crazy face and shimmy, shimmy can cheer up even the saddest person.
10.1 Levi's hair is really awesome, even though it takes torture to comb it out.

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