
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

nie nie.

i have been sick for days after hearing of the tragedy that struck stephanie and her husband. i don't know her personally, but i have loved reading about her love for life and her family on her blog for the past couple years. She has been an inspiration through her joy of being a mother and a wife. "Nie" and her husband were in a plane crash and both sustained severe burns. You can read about them here or here. They will be recovering for months and as you can imagine, the medical bills and other expenses will be huge. Design Mom is hosting a special Nie Nie day tomorrow, August 28th where she will have a list of blogs auctioning off great items and stores offering a percentage of their proceeds to the fundraising. I will be doing my part by having 100 % of the total sales from my etsy shop on the 28th and 29th going directly to the stephanie and her family. If you would rather not purchase items from any of the websites, but would still like to donate, click on the "donate to nie" button on the right.

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